Volha Hapeyeva (Belarusian)

Volha Hapeyeva is the Belarusian poet, thinker, translator and linguist
Volha Hapeyeva is the author of several books of poetry and prose (“Niaholieny ranak” (Unshaven morning), “Prysak i požnia” (Embers and Stubble), “(v)iadomyja historyi” (Incr)ed- ible Stories), etc.). Scholarship-holder of the programs in Germany, Austria and Latvia and prize-winner of literary prizes in Belarus. Her works were translated into English, German, Polish, Macedonian, Czech, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovenian, Georgian and Russian. Participant of numerous literary festivals and conferences (Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, etc.).
Volha holds her PhD in linguistics. does researches in the fields of comparative linguistics, philosophy of language, sociology of the body, gender issues in culture and literature. She also translates from English, German, Chinese, Japanese.
Collaborates with electronic musicians and gives audio-visual performances.
Member of the Belarusian PEN-Centre and the Union of the Belarusian Writers.



hard to be a road
especially at the painted zebra crossing
the hOriZOntal
the VErticAl
rush together people and cars
animals sometimes
dogs and pigeons
and bicycles – new ones and the ones inherited from those born in the 1930’s

as a child
I often confused the horizontal with the vertical and each time I uttered those words,
I imagined a horizon

the horizon, such a long narrow line
in the distance
behind which just now just now the sea is about to appear

as I, the road, disappear

Translated by Forrest Gander