Clemens Meyer (Germany)

Clemens Meyer was born 1977 in Halle (Saale) and now lives in Leipzig. His debut novel, “Als wir träumten” (As We Were Dreaming), was published in 2006, followed by “Die Nacht, die Lichter” (All the Lights - Stories), “Gewalten: Ein Tagebuch” (Acts of Violence, publ. in English by And Other Stories 2011), and the novel “Im Stein” (Bricks and Mortar, publ. in English by Fizcarraldo Editions 2016). His work has won him numerous awards, including the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair; Im Stein was shortlisted for the German Book Prize and won the Bremen Prize for Literature. In 2015, Clemens Meyer and Thomas Stuber were awarded the German Screenplay Prize for “In den Gängen”. Andreas Dresen’s film adaptation of Mey- er’s first novel, “As We Were Dreaming”, competed in the 2015 Berlinale. 2017 S. Fischer published his collection of stories “Die stillen Trabanten” (Silent Satellites).


They are dreaming of their football team’s promotion, of true love and a better life waiting for them somewhere. Rico, Mark, Paul and Daniel grow up in post-socialist Leipzig, in a quarter whose centre is the brewery. Every night they roam about the streets, celebrating, rioting, running away from skinheads, parents and the future, using their fists to fight for recognition and killing time. Full of passion, fury and courage they are gambling away their lives in a hopeless rebellion making it difficult for readers to get the haunting images of night-time Leipzig, the hopelessness and hope of this novel out of their minds.