Domenico Brancale (Italy)

Domenico Brancale was born in Sant’Arcangelo (Basilicata) in 1976. He has published po- etry collections: Cani e porci (2001), L’ossario del sole (2007), Controre (2013), Incerti umani (2013) and Per diverse ragioni (2017). In 2017 he published his first tale with the Virginia Mori’s illustrations (Modo Infoshop edition). He edited Cristina Campo’s “In immagini e parole” and he has translated texts of Emil Cioran, John Giorno, Henri Michaux, Claude Royet-Journoud. He lives in Bologna and Venice where he collaborates with Galerie Bordas.


Where am I?
This is the dream I dream
I don’t know if the’re thorns or knives These silent things that threaten me The blood of thoughts
I don’t think I’m able
Because in the cotton bed
Someone finds no peace

Where I am
There is no death to consume me

Translated from Italian by Alberto Manguel