Nabil Abu Zurkatin (Egypt)

Nabil Abu Zurkatin was born in 1956 in Arab Republic of Egypt, in a small village in Upper Egypt. His poetry collections have been published in almost every Arabic country and has been praised by Arab literary critics. Some of these collections are: Sea Does Not Wear a Tie (Lebanon, 2016); Blind Fruit: Tree is The First One, That Saw (Lebanon, Beirut 2016); I Have Nothing to Do with Death (Lebanon, 2001); Icons of This Body (Lebanon, 1998); The End is in Her (Lebanon. 1995); Wings of The Blind Tree (United Arab Emirates. 1993); “And The End of The Night” (Egypt. 1993); “Dancing on The Shroud” (Egypt. 1993).

As an esteemed poet in Arabic World, Nabil Abu Zurkatin has participated in almost every Arabic literary festival. His personal poetry evenings are being held up until now.

CANDLE Night is no knowing

It’s a mere night
as I leave it naked
and stand at the rose
everything will be alone
as God, alone
cultivates our organs in a clear fertility maybe a light of a candle
can’t think of itself
even once.