Liutauras Degesys (Lithuania)


In 1996 Liutauras Degėsys was at International Writing Programme at Iowa University, as a fellow and visiting professor. He was at a Postdoctoral studies at Montclair State University P4C (Philosophy for Children) Pro- gramme, 1998.

He is a member of the Board of Lithuanian Writers Union, member of the Board of Baltic Center for Writers and Translators, also a member of a Board of LATGA - Lithuanian collective copyright management association. Liutauras Degėsys has received the Lithuanian Republic Government Culture and Art Award (2013) for poetry and Award of Ministry of Culture (2010) for the non-fiction writ- ing.

Liutauras Degėsys is the translator of poetry from Polish, Russian, Georgian and English and has translated some poetry from Lithuanian to Russian and English.

He has published 8 poetry books and 3 books of philo- sophical esseys.