Kristian Carlsson (Swedan)

Swedish poet, publisher and translator was born and lives in Oxie. Since his literary debut in 1996 he has published more than twenty titles of his own work, alongside with numerous translations. He is collaboration with several literary magazines as well. He is active as a freelance editor and curator in cultural life. Since 2012 he has been running Bushwick Club Sweden in several places together with the musician Thomas Teller. His publishing house Smockadoll introduces number of new names into Swedish translations.


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Nothing can breeze like genitals.
Everything fits like clothes for a cut-out doll.
The plentiful resemblance to astonishment is mere apathy.
Postulated mentality, slander with inseminative values
in each acclamation, annoyance.
Annoyance, annoyance, annoyance. The countenance
of historylessness is an antihistamine.
No one can let his genitals breeze like you. Cock in disguise.
The means of direct insemination as legal assessors
of the spermatic duct.
Just a minor thrust. A fast hump. As the occasional animals.
As occasionally a man. As the occasional lie. As the rare nerve
of a butterfly, in synapse to the moment of death.
The spasms, the throes, a twitch.
Porn outmaneuvering meditation.
Nothing can fail like genitals. A puzzled non-vice.
Death is categorical. Life is problematic.
Life expectancy is the romanticism of a deadly sin.
translated by the author