Rasim Garaja (Azerbaijan)

Rasim Garaja was born in 1960. He writes and also translates poems, short stories and critical essays. Rasim Garaja is chairman of the Free Writers Association, editor-in-chief of Alatoran Literature and Arts. He founded the first independent writers’ organization and the first independent literary magazine in Azerbaijan and also created the first literary web site in the Azerbaijani language. His poetry books were translated and published in Turkey and in Iran.
* * *
a leaf falls down every day
two leaves sometimes
* * *
looking with my fishy eyes I saw that...
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a woman’s photo
between me and the ashtray
* * *
you say
‘don’t forget to buy
meat potatoes toothpaste’
the sun takes pictures of you
at the end of the hall
* * *
a sun in each drop of sweat
I brought the universe with me
* * *
woman’s hair rollers
flattened under the wheels
* * *
to live like a small boy
who pees on the road
leaving his trace
* * *
what is this meaning in the dog’s eyes
as if he’s about to say
in my first life
I was you
* * *
trickling out of the railway station
into the city
* * *
I ran into life
and crumbled to words
Translated by Esmira Serova