Sergej Timofejev (Latvia)

Sergej Timofejev was born in Riga, Latvia in 1970 in a family of Russian origin. He is an author of nine books of poetry. Participant of many poetry festivals around the world: in Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Ukraine, Slovenia, Georgia, Slovakia. His poems were translated into English, Italian, Swedish, German, Georgian, Ukrainian and others languages and published in different international anthologies. His poetry books were published in Italy, Georgia, Macedonia and Estonia.

Sergej is one of the organizers of multimedia poetry project Orbita (1999, He participated in all Orbita main projects which includes publishing, performances, pirate poetry radio activities, installations and exhibitions. 

He was among the first to invent genre of poetry video in the post-soviet cultural space, his first video poetry work “Orchestra Rehearsal” was made in 1993 in collaboration with filmmaker Victor Vilx. 

He was translating from Latvian to Russian theatre performances of New Riga Theatre, films by Latvian filmmakers and poetry of such authors as Andris Akmentiņš, Arvis Viguls, Toms Treibergs, Karlis Verdiņš and others.



Now selling because purchased. 

Purchased because was walking past;

Was walking past because it was spring;

It was spring because winter’s not eternal.

Winter’s not eternal because we too are not forever.

We are not forever because otherwise it would be dull.

Would be dull because would be neither beginning nor end;

Would be neither beginning nor end because that’s how it is.

That’s how it is, so now selling.


Translated by Kevin M. F. Platt