Denver Butson (USA)

Denver Butson - born in 1965, is a poet. He has published 7 books of poetry, two in collaboration with visual artists. His latest book, The Scarecrow Alibis won The Vern Rutsala Poetry Prize and was published by Cloudbank Books in 2022.

Butson frequently works with improvisational and chamber jazz musicians and has performed and toured with Italian Surf Academy, violist Mat Maneri and pianist Lucian Ban, and Maneri’s Ash Quartet.

His poetry has been featured on National Public Radio and by The US Library of Congress, and has been exhibited with his own visual work and in conjunction with the work of other visual artists.

Praised by such notable writers as Edmund White, Jim Harrison Billy Collins, Zoë Ryder White, Tomaž Šalamun, Agha Shahid Ali, Ilya Kaminsky, and WS Merwin, Butson’s work has been performed and used as stage monologues, film scripts, liner notes, and more.

He believes that poetry is a living art that needs to connect with other genres and disciplines in order to reach wider audiences.

He lives with his wife and daughter in Brooklyn, New York.