Heike Fiedler (Switzerland)

Heike Fiedler was born in 1963 in Germany and after 1987 lives in Geneva. She is multilingual poet, performer, researcher, feminist and activist.She published four poetry books, one autobiographic short story and a novel. As an artist, she explores the relation between performance, text and installation, language and sound, composition and improvisation. She performs her texts with laptop, paper, looper, real-time projections, realizes installations in public space and the staging of pluridisciplinary projects. She realizes workshops in field of poetry and performance writing. Fiedler participated in the research project Authors acting on stage: self-conception and mise en-scene and she is actually researcher in field of text/writing/ sound/performance. She was president and board member of Centre PEN Suisse Romand, with a special regard for gender issues and still is member of world poetry movement.




Walking through parcs.



We among trees,

mountains on the other side.


Some thoughts about winter,


in the field over there.


I hurry up,


hold me back.


I^m sorry

to be late.




shadows are moving

you drill holes inside

the time floating down the river

of ancient unconcern


as if nothing ever happened


yet, ecology is

exploding, at a rythm of long




concrete, waste, never ending use,

deforestation all over,

it’s extremely evident

the ground is cut

from underneath


and meanwhile the water

is up

to my neck


Translated into english by author