Linda Maria Baros (France)

Poet, translator and publisher Linda Maria Baros was Born in 1981 in Bucharest. Lives in Paris. She is the author of La Maison en lames de rasoir (The House Made of Razor Blades) and 5 other poetry books. Has translated 39 books. Linda’s translated and published in 38 countries. Winner of the prestigious Apollinaire Prize. Full member and general rapporteur of the Mallarmé Academy. Vice-president of the French PEN Club. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the Sorbonne University. Linda is the Director of Poésie Poetry Paris, French-English Poetry Festival and of La Traductière publishing house. Editor in chief of the poetry and visual art magazine La Traductière.



There are days when you would like to make yourself a place on the windowsill, strolling there secretly,
eyes closed, as if on a hypnotic bridge,
as if on the edge of a deep silence.

(From below, only emptiness looks up at you, its height.)

As if you were someone else,

legs sunk to the knee
in a deep silence,
someone who strolled there secretly.

For one moment only, because the air
behind the bars of the window pushes you back, as if in a high-security wings.

And the room absorbs you into itself.