Hamid Herishchi (Azerbaijan)

Hamid Herishchi was born in Baku in 1961, in the family of an Iranian political emigrant. He graduated from faculty of philology at Azerbaijan State University in 1985.
He worked at Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi in 1985-1994. His texts have been published in number of literary periodicals.

Hamid Herishchi is the author of seven books, novels, prose and poetry collections and publications amongst them.
Since 1994 Herishchi has been working for different TV channels. He’s the author of many TV shows and is considered to be one of the most popular TV hosts and poets in Azerbaijan. He is currently hosting the morning literary broadcast at Khazar TV.



Our pockets are not created for money
but for hands,
that’s what we have forgotten...
Look! Where are all these human loves riding on the wheels of the wedding rings?

Where are they headed?
God is their only hope
while in the head – so called mansard of the human body -
there is an endless turmoil and tumult.
Even the youngsters who don’t believe in the sanc- tity at all
have wrapped their books in twofold covers.
Oh, these our conversations! They have lost all the sense,
now they look like the visionary glass reflected in our eyes
from the eyeglasses.
Just between us:
In which homeland should we believe?
In which courage?
Radio antennas catch the same ugly sounds wherever you will set them up.
Here I could do the impossible:
I would dig my own grave with needle and lie in it kicking the bucket once and for all.

Translated by Manana Matiashvili