Steven J. Fowler (United Kingdom)

Poet, artist & curator. He has published multiple collections of poetry and been commissioned by Tate Modern, The British Council, Tate Britain and Wellcome Collection. He has been translated into 16 languages and performed at venues across the world, from Mexico City to Erbil, Iraq. He is the poetry editor of 3am magazine, Lecturer at Kingston University, teaches at Tate Modern and is the curator of the Enemies project.


There’s the newly deaf dolphin
there’s the newly deaf dolphin mothering me
again – refusing to acknowledge that it can
hear just a little but faint sounds the
moving of the (human) age upon its person
admiring a tail tethered over with music
that isn’t just thinking about itself so
much that it ended up worrying about what
was on its way out and ignoring the water
everyone and their mother was swimming
in which choppy with blood but everyone
thought was cranberry juice good for the kidneys