Norbert Hummelt (Germany)

Norbert Hummelt - the poet, translator, and cultural journalist was born in Neuss in 1962. Since 2006 he has been based in Berlin. He teaches at the German Literature Institute Leipzig and works for the magazine »text+kritik«.

He wrote his first literary texts in 1984 and has been writing poetry since 1986.

In 1993, his first volume of poetry appeared under the title  „Crisp Codes“. In his second volume of poetry „Appetite For Singing“ (1997) he turned to the concepts of romantic poetry. Later came „signs in the snow“ (2001), „Silent Fonts“ (2004), „Pan’s Hour“ (2011) and „Sun Song“ (2020)

Hummelt is an author of the documentary book „1922: Miracle Year for Words“ (2022) and the most recent „Eselsohren: Essays zur Literatur  (2024).

He is a renowned translator of the works of W. B. Yeats and  T.S. Eliot into German. He is a translator of modern Georgian poetry as well. He has translated poems by more than 15 Georgian poets, poetry collections by two of them (Besik Kharanauli and Bela Chekurishvili) already published in separate volumes. He has published a volume of different Georgian poems also, under the title “From Far Away”.

For his literary work, Hummelt has been awarded the 6 important prizes among others.