Ludwig Laher (Austria)

Austrian poet, writer, translator and essayist was born in 1955 in Linz. Laher studied German, English and Classical Studies at Salzburg University. He graduated with PhD, his dissertation Contemporary Literature of Grenada. In different years he taught at Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and Vienna Universities. He is the author of many scientific works and translations; awarded with numerous literary prizes and scholarships. His works are translated into several languages.

In 2005-2007 he was the president of ECA. Currently he is the member of UNESCO National Committee and leads its cultural diversity group; he is the member of the State Council for German Spelling (RdR), Authors Union of Graz (GAV) and the Asutrian Writers’ Union (IGAA).


*a barber pretends


a barber pretends

to listen to the story

the municipal busses

are getting close to

making up their lateness

the father doesn’t know yet

the mother is praying

a doctor is operating

on the wall of a house leans

the buckled bicycle


Translated by Andrew Duncan