Christoph Hassenzahl (Germany)

Christoph Hassenzahl, born in 1981, is the Senior Rights Manager at German independent trade publishers Suhrkamp and Insel, Berlin. Amongst his responsibilities are foreign rights sales to France, Scandinavia, Greece, the Caucasian countries and the various markets in Asia. He is also the Content Manager for Suhrkamp’s and Insel’s own audio book list and responsible for domestic audio book licenses to third parties. He holds a B.A. in Economics, Law and Literary Studies of Erfurt University and a M.A. in Applied Literary Studies of Freie Universität Berlin.

After internships and employments with Éditions Gallimard, Paris and Aufbau Verlag, Berlin, he is a member of the Rights and Foreign Rights Department with Suhrkamp and Insel since 2010. The departments negotiates and administers all acquisition contracts, controls and secures the unique 70-year-old rights portfolio and sells licenses of Suhrkamp and Insel authors to domestic and worldwide partners.