Dimitris Tsekouras (Greece)

Dimitris Tsekouras, prose and playwright, was born in 1967. Graduate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, he is a linguist and teacher of Greek language and literature by profession. He has published several novels and plays. Your beauty, The water knows, The lake, The belly, The decay, The liberation, The Door, Tales of Pastor Vogue are some of them.
He has also translated plays of Tennessee Williams, of Federico Garcia Lorca and ancient Greek tragedies in Modern Greek. The last few years he has been teaching creative reading and writing.  Dimitris is also an activist on issues of racial and sexual discrimination. He lives in Athens.
His novel The Door was published in Georgia by Intelekti Publishing (2023, translator - Anina Gogokhia).
The Door
(una comedia humana)
The man in our story, an intellectual -more or less- in his fifties, who would vaguely resemble Domenikos Theotokopoulos, lives alone. He's consumed by the fear that if he dies unexpectedly -because you never know- no one is going to find him. So, one fine morning he takes out the door of his house and throws it away. Why? But for the simplest reason, that if he dies suddenly, the scent will be easily picked up for one thing. Another reason is that the man in our story is extremely curious as to "exactly how many robbers can be intrigued" by an open house, a house without the Door. To be honest, everything that happens from then on is absolutely unimportant as to whether it is part of reality or not. What is important is that everything that happens is tremendously significant…