Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (Iceland)

Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir is a poet, a practising visual artist as well as a composer, singer and filmmaker. She is widely considered one of her country‘s most innovative poetry and art performers.

Her first collection of poetry, „Eilífðarnón“has been translated into English, German and Swedish. In 2017 she was the recipient of Ljóðstafur Jóns úr Vör poetry prize and nominated for Bernard Heidsieck Prize in Pompidou in 2021.  Her latest books are „Gluggi – draumskrá“  and „Hyena called Yesterday“.

Ásta Fanney’s work is often elusive and brings us the evanescence of dreams. Her poetics and approach to the structure of sound, words and music make an interesting combination where many worlds and art disciplines come together.