Seymur Baycan (Azerbaijan)

Azeri writer and essayist was born in 1976. He studied at military school and afterwards at Kafkaz University (Public Administration); having never graduated he chose to pursue literary career. He is the author of several prose collections. His short stories are translated into Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian and Kazakh languages. His essays and columns are regularly published in Azerbaijani printed media. He has participated in several regional literary projects. He is the winner of the literary competition organized by Elmar Huseynov Foundation.


Excerpt from an essay
It is difficult to write about living famed people. Praise them and people will say he doesn’t need your praise. They’ll say “we know him, your re-introduction is unnecessary.” Criticise them, people will say “Go mind your own business. Who are you to criticize?” Even those, who actually hate the person you are criticizing, will try to look cleverer, trying not to miss a good opportunity to bite you. Nonetheless, in this weird situation one does want to state an opinion about the living famed. One of such persons is Orhan Pamuk. It has been a while I wanted to write about him. It is difficult to start though. What can we write about a writer translated to many languages, always on the front page of the most famous newspapers and journals, a Nobel laureate?